- normal phase
- нормальная фаза
English-Russian dictionary of electronics. 2015.
English-Russian dictionary of electronics. 2015.
normal phase — normalioji fazė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. normal phase vok. normale Phase, f rus. нормальная фаза, f pranc. phase normale, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
normal-phase chromatogram — Adsorption in which the stationary phase is polar in relation to the mobile phase … Forensic science glossary
Aqueous normal phase chromatography — Infobox chemical analysis name = Aqueous normal phase chromatography caption = acronym = classification = chromatography analytes = manufacturers = related = Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography Ion exchange chromatography hyphenated =… … Wikipedia
phase normale — normalioji fazė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. normal phase vok. normale Phase, f rus. нормальная фаза, f pranc. phase normale, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Normal-inverse Gaussian distribution — Normal inverse Gaussian (NIG) parameters: μ location (real) α tail heavyness (real) β asymmetry parameter (real) δ scale parameter (real) support … Wikipedia
Normal-gamma distribution — Normal gamma parameters: location (real) (real) (real) (real) support … Wikipedia
Normal-scaled inverse gamma distribution — Normal scaled inverse gamma parameters: location (real) (real) (real) (real) support … Wikipedia
Normal pressure hydrocephalus — Classification and external resources ICD 10 G91.2 ICD 9 331.9 … Wikipedia
phase-locked — «FAYZ LOKT», adjective. operating in precise synchronization; locked in phase: »Bursts of action potentials, phase locked with the oscillations, took place in the prodded finger as they do in normal tremor (Scientific American) … Useful english dictionary
Normal mode — For other types of mode, see Mode (disambiguation). Vibration of a single normal mode of a circular disc with a pinned boundary condition along the entire outer edge. See other modes. A normal mode of an oscillating system is a pattern of motio … Wikipedia
Phase Alternating Line — Das Phase Alternation Line Verfahren [feɪz ˈɒltəneɪʃən laɪn], kurz PAL, ist ein Verfahren zur Farbübertragung beim analogen Fernsehen. Es wurde mit dem Ziel entwickelt, störende Farbton Fehler, die im NTSC Verfahren nur manuell und unbefriedigend … Deutsch Wikipedia